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Sieving is the best self help method you can use, to protect yourself against negative energy, nothing can attach to you if your natural protective mechanisms are working correctly.
Sieving yourself
Though in the picture we show Sarah standing as she sieves herself, we strongly recommend you sit or lay down the first time you sieve yourself. This is a powerful technique and can leave you a little lightheaded the first few times as you clear all the accumulated muck out of your energy field, so if you fall over, it's now your own fault! After a few weeks of regular practice you can try making this part of your everyday routine, performing this sieving during a shower or a bath first thing in the morning. |
Adopt a comfortable seated or lying position. It is preferable to keep the body aligned so avoid crossing legs and arms. Sit upon a chair or lay straight along the ground.
Using your power of imagination, imagine a large golden sieve, large enough to encompass your energy field, let this sieve be a very fine mesh of golden light. Once your sieve is created, place it beneath your energy field, start to draw the sieve upwards, passing through your energy field, up through your feet, then legs and so on, gradually moving up through your body and energy field. Know the sieve is combing through the subtle energies of your body and its energy field, realigning your energies and removing any unwanted stuck energy. Know as your sieve moves upwards you are combing out this stuck energy into the sieve until you complete the sieving above your energy field. You will probably be surprised how heavy the sieve now feels.
You are now ready to empty the sieve. Imagine there is a drain into the ground some distance from you, imagine poring the dark heavy contents of the sieve downwards into the earth drain, like water passing down through a plug hole. When you feel your sieve is empty, simply bring the sieve beneath your energy field and begin again, sieving twice more, making a total of three passes through your body and your energy field. On the last pass, drop the sieve into the hole with the last of the muck and close the hole.
Do observe what you encounter as you’re sieving, notice if you find there are areas of your body which are more difficult to sieve, these may be areas of damage or disease requiring release, perhaps there are areas where the mind just does not want to go, areas which are closed off. In either situation don't worry as you persevere with the sieving over the coming days and weeks, eventually it will become easy to pass through these areas. If not, contact us for advice.
We cannot stress enough the importance of cleansing on a regular basis. We believe a healthy clear energy field helps protect one from disease and promotes the rapid recovery from illness.
And as importantly, it also protects against entity attachment, no Fragment Daemon or anything else can attach to a healthy energy field. Apart from that we are continually interacting with others on an energetic level, so this technique helps us to restore our harmony and balance protecting us from other human beings, if you have ever been in the presence of another human being, and come away feeling drained, irritated, down or clogged up, then you will know how easy it is to pick up someone else's energetic muck.
After using this technique for a few weeks you will begin to notice you have more energy, and in the winter for instance you are less likely to suffer from colds and flu than usual and chronic ailments will improve.
A word of caution.
Remember this is a powerful technique so please do not attempt to sieve standing up until you have performed the technique a few times whilst sitting as it may initially cause you to feel a little lightheaded.
An even stronger word of caution.
Whether you are sieving yourself or a building always dispose of the sieve and its contents into the earth and seal it. Never dump it on someone else or into another building. You have been warned!
Sieving any building or place
Using your power of imagination, imagine a large golden sieve, large enough to encompass the whole building, let this sieve be a very fine mesh of golden light. Once your sieve is created, place it well beneath the building (it’s ok to be inside the building at the time). Start to draw the sieve upwards, passing up through the building, up through the rooms and floors, gradually moving up to above the roof. Know the sieve is combing through the subtle energies of the building and the energy within, realigning the energies and removing any unwanted stuck or nasty energy that has accumulated, or has been left by others. Know as your sieve moves upwards you are combing out this stuck energy into the sieve until you complete the sieving above the roof. You will probably be surprised how heavy the sieve now feels.
You are now ready to empty the sieve. Imagine there is a drain into the ground a good distance from your home, then imagine you are pouring the dark, heavy contents of the sieve downwards into the earth drain, like water passing down through a plug hole. When you feel your sieve is empty, simply bring the sieve beneath your home and begin again, sieving twice more making a total of three passes through your home. On the last pass, drop the sieve into the hole with the last of the muck and close the hole. With practice this will take no more than a few minutes.
If you are a healer of any kind, you will find all three techniques listed on this page particularly useful. Clear your workspace before and after you work with someone, or if you are healing elsewhere create the perfect healing environment wherever you are, but don’t forget to sieve and balance yourself as not only will you benefit but your clients will also, especially if you teach them to do it as well.
You will have noticed whether you are sieving yourself or a building, the technique is essentially the same. We wrote it this way to make sure you did notice that really it's only the intent that changes. With a change of intent you can use this technique to cleanse anything.
Balancing your subtle energies
When you have sieved thoroughly, start to consolidate your energy field. From your navel start to send a channel of energy downwards, through your legs and leave through your feet, continue to travel downwards entering the earth beneath you, continuing downwards through the earth, through the levels of rock, continuing ever downwards towards the center of the earth passing into the ever moving molten heart. As you approach the centre of the earth you will come to an area of incredible density you probably cannot penetrate, this is the absolute centre of the planet. Drawing your channel of energy with you, go right around this dense area and back to the top of it, so anchoring your energy channel. Now begin to ascend returning by the same path, feel you are drawing the earth energy upwards with you until eventually you are drawing the earth energy into your body. Let this energy fill your body to navel height and notice the qualities of this energy, how this energy feels, does it feel solid, warm, heavy, does it have a colour?
Once you feel grounded and filled with this supportive earth energy, start to focus upon your heart and begin to send a channel of light upwards through your crown, traveling through the ceiling, and on upwards into the sky above, traveling ever upwards to the edge of the atmosphere, you are moving towards the highest place in the heavens you can reach. When you feel you can go no further, open yourself to the incredible positive energy available to you here, pause for a short time then begin to retrace your steps, feeling yourself to be drawing this light downwards as you descend. Then as you enter your crown then heart, allow this energy to begin to fill your upper body to the level of your navel. Notice how this energy feels, does it feel spacious, light, cool, does it have a colour?
Now just as two colours upon a palette can be mixed to create a third colour begin to allow the two energies to merge until you feel your inner energy has become a third thing, a balanced state. Imagine the two energies moving and flowing until they eventually still within this new balanced state.
Finally, just sit and imagine you are at the centre of a large egg-shaped energy field. You can draw a straight line upwards from beneath your feet to just above your crown and a horizontal line from side to side; you are sitting at the very centre of your energy field. When you are ready open your eyes and resume your day.
This meditation is very useful when performed daily and with practice it can be done in a very short time. You may find it is something you can do after a morning shower as you stand in the cubicle or you may prefer to take a few minutes lying or sitting in the day.
The sieving technique has been slightly adapted from a technique originally taught at the College Of Healing in the UK. We adapted it and developed the balancing technique originally as a preparation to be used before commencing healing, then found both to be an excellent daily exercise to promote balance and harmony in daily life.
Written by Sarah and Len Walker
Once you have used and appreciate the benefits of these three powerful techniques you are welcome to print them out directly from this site and distribute them. If you reproduce them in any other format including on the web, please be honest enough to acknowledge where they came from originally.